
The most popular varieties grown are; Barakat 90 (Gossypium barbadense) represents extra-fine cotton category covers 4% of the total cultivated area. After Bt cotton adoption. Seeni 1, Seeni 2 Bt cotton varieties and Hindi 1 and Hindi 2 Bt cotton Hybrids contribute more than 95% of the cotton area.

The main types of cotton grown were medium-staple Akala, some long-staple Barakat, and a little long-medium staple Shambat B.A small amount of rain-fed, short-staple cotton was also grown.

otton’s contribution to export revenue decreased from 53 percent in the 1970s to1 percent in 2008. Exports of cotton provided US$134 million in earnings in 2008, but fell to an estimated US$40.4 million in 2010. Cotton productivity increased to 950-1000 kg lint/ha with the introduction of GE cotton 2012-2015. Gossypium Barbadense yield increased during the past two years to 750-900 kg/ha. Recently cotton becomes the most profitable crop therefore, farmers become more interested in cotton cultivation.

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